Grupo 3: Electrofisiología Cardíaca Celular
Código de grupo: 2.03
Tipo de grupo: Consolidado
Descripción del grupo: Electrofisiología cardíaca celular
Jefe de Grupo: Dra. Eva Delpón Mosquera
Integrantes del grupo | |
Investigadores y personal de apoyo |
CABALLERO | COLLADO | RICARDO | Established Researcher |
CAMARA | CHECA | ANABEL | First Stage Researcher |
CRESPO | GARCÍA | TERESA | First Stage Researcher |
DAGO | REQUENA | MARÍA | First Stage Researcher |
DELPON | MOSQUERA | EVA | Leading Researcher |
GOMEZ | GARCIA | RICARDO | Established Researcher |
NIETO | MARIN | PALOMA | First Stage Researcher |
RAPUN | JIMENEZ | JOSU | First Stage Researcher |
RUBIO | ALARCÓN | MARCOS | First Stage Researcher |
TAMARGO | MENENDEZ | JUAN | Established Researcher |
Líneas de investigación |
Axis 1: Cardiac cellular pharmacology and electrophysiology
L 1: Regulation of cardiac electrical properties at the cellular level L2: Identification of acquired alterations in cellular electrical properties (electrical remodelling) responsible for arrhythmias in patients with heart failure. |
First decile publications | 6 | 84,9 |
First quartile publications | 10 | 110,3 |
Second quartile publications | 2 | 9,4 |
Third quartile publications | 0 | 0,0 |
Total publications (including those without IF) | 15 | 119,7 |