Grupo 2: Biología Molecular del VIH
Código de grupo: 5.02
Tipo de grupo: Consolidado
Descripción del grupo: Biología molecular del VIH
Jefe de Grupo: Dra. Mª Ángeles Muñoz Fernández
Integrantes del grupo | |
Investigadores y personal de apoyo |
ESPINAR | BUITRAGO | MARÍA DE LA SIERRA | First Stage Researcher |
GALLEGO | DE LA FUENTE | JORGE LUIS | Laboratory Technician |
GOMEZ | RICO | CORAL | Laboratory Technician |
JIMENEZ | FUENTES | JOSE LUIS | Established Researcher |
JUAREZ | RODRIGUEZ | ROXANA | First Stage Researcher |
MAGRO | LOPEZ | ESMERALDA | Recognised Researcher |
MUÑOZ | FERNANDEZ | MARIA ANGELES | Leading Researcher |
VÁZQUEZ | ALEJO | ELENA | First Stage Researcher |
Líneas de Investigación | ||
Axis 1. Basic Research
L1: The use of nanoparticles as miRNA delivery agents L2: Use of nanoparticles, mainly dendrimers, as microbicides against HIV-1, HSV and other sexually transmitted viruses L3: Generation of organoids from human pluripotent stem cells: a platform for modeling infectious diseases. Nanotechnology-based therapies. Axis 2. Clinical Research L1: Design of immunomodulators and therapeutic vaccines based on dendritic cells against HIV and other sexually transmitted viruses L2: Paediatric infection by HIV and other viruses
L3: Study of SARS-CoV2 infection in adult population and HIV/SARS-Co2 coinfection Axis 3 BioBank L1: Participation in clinical trials L2: Private sample collections for specific projects and coordinated by the Director of the HGM HIV biobank, Dr. Muñoz-Fernández, the HGUGM has several cohorts of patients, such as the broncholitis cohort, neonatology, nephrology, rare diseases, respiratory diseases, sepsis, tuberculosis and the recent GesNEO cohort (pregnant women infected by SARS-CoV2 and their newborns) with biological samples stored in the BioBank |
First decile publications | 1 | 10,2 |
First quartile publications | 16 | 108,1 |
Second quartile publications | 5 | 18,8 |
Third quartile publications | 3 | 8,4 |
Total publications (including those without IF) | 27 | 137,5 |