Grupo 7: Infecciones en la Población Pediátrica
Código de grupo: 5.07
Tipo de grupo: Consolidado
Descripción del grupo: Infecciones en la población pediátrica
Jefe de Grupo: Dra. María Luisa Navarro Gómez
Integrantes del grupo | |
Investigadores y personal de apoyo |
AGUILERA | ALONSO | DAVID | First Stage Researcher |
BARRERA | BRITO | VANESA | First Stage Researcher |
BERLANGA | DE MIGUEL | ANA | First Stage Researcher |
BUSQUETS | FERRER | CARMEN | First Stage Researcher |
COLLADO | GONZALEZ | BLANCA | First Stage Researcher |
COMELLA | DEL BARRIO | PATRICIA | Recognised Researcher |
DIAZ | DE MERA | MARIA CAROLINA | First Stage Researcher |
ESCOBAR | CASTELLANOS | MARÍA | First Stage Researcher |
FERRERO | GARCÍA-LOYGORRI | CLARA | First Stage Researcher |
GONZALEZ | MARTINEZ | FELIPE | Recognised Researcher |
GONZALEZ | SANCHEZ | MARIA ISABEL | First Stage Researcher |
JORDAN | FERRAZ | CRISTINA EUGENIA | First Stage Researcher |
JOVE | BLANCO | ANA | First Stage Researcher |
LAZARO | MARTIN | BEATRIZ | First Stage Researcher |
LOPEZ | SUAREZ | ANDREA | First Stage Researcher |
MARAÑÓN | PARDILLO | RAFAEL | First Stage Researcher |
MIGUEZ | NAVARRO | MARIA CONCEPCION | Established Researcher |
MOURE | ROMANO | ROBERTO | First Stage Researcher |
NAVARRO | GÓMEZ | MARÍA LUISA | Leading Researcher |
PEREZ | MORENO | JIMENA | Recognised Researcher |
RETAMAL | MARTINEZ | ROCIO | First Stage Researcher |
RINCON | LOPEZ | ELENA | First Stage Researcher |
RIVAS | GARCÍA | ARISTIDES | First Stage Researcher |
RODRIGUEZ | FERNANDEZ | ROSA MARIA | Established Researcher |
SAAVEDRA | LOZANO | JESÚS | Established Researcher |
SANCHEZ | CONTRERAS | NURIA | First Stage Researcher |
SANTIAGO | GARCÍA | BEGOÑA | Established Researcher |
SANTOS | SEBASTIAN | MAR | First Stage Researcher |
TARANCÓN | DÍEZ | LAURA | Recognised Researcher |
TIERRASECA | SERRANO | MARIA ESTHER | First Stage Researcher |
TOLEDO | DEL CASTILLO | BLANCA | First Stage Researcher |
VÁZQUEZ | LÓPEZ | PAULA | Established Researcher |
Líneas de Investigación |
Axis 1: Bronchiolitis
L1: Description of early markers of severity in RSV bronchiolitis: IL 8 in respiratory secretions and plasma during patient admission and its predictive value for severity. Viral load in patients with RSV bronchiolitis and its predictive value for severity will be determined. Lymphopenia will be assessed as an early marker of severity during the admission of infants with RSV bronchiolitis. Does the severity of RSV bronchiolitis depend on viral genotypes? L2: RSV bronchiolitis. Humoral immune response to RSV. Determination of antibodies against RSV surface proteins F and G and their role in the development of RSV vaccines. Study of humoral immunity against RSV preF postF and G proteins in term and preterm infants. L3: Bronchiolitis due to RSV. Study of inflammatory mediators. Cytokines and their role in the subsequent development of recurrent wheezing. Description of the cytokine profile in RSV bronchiolitis during admission, at one month and one year after discharge. Description of a cytokine profile to predict the development of recurrent wheezing post-bronchiolitis. L4: Treatment of bronchiolitis in the admitted patient. High-flow oxygen therapy in the treatment of bronchiolitis. What is the ideal flow rate? Hypertonic saline in the treatment of bronchiolitis. Is it suitable for all patients on inpatient wards? L5: Impact on families of admission for RSV bronchiolitis. European RSV outcomes study. EROS study. ab 140103 L6: Evaluation of the antiviral efficacy of Lumicitabine in children with respiratory infection by respiratory syncytial virus. L7: Needs for future pharmacoeconomic analysis of RSV vaccines: Assessing the burden of paediatric RSV disease and QALYs lost (Phase I: prospective study). Axis 2: HIV infection L1: Study the clinical characteristics, immunovirological status and associated comorbidities including features related to bone metabolism, cardiovascular system and lipodystrophy, as well as antiretroviral treatment strategies in CoRISpe patients (newly infected children, adolescents and young adults). L2: Determine the HIV reservoir and inflammatory and immunosenescence status and immune function of paediatric patients including gut microbiota and response to vaccines. L3: Assessment of the current status and evolution of all paediatric HCV-HIV co-infected patients. Liver function status and response to treatment. Compare with a cohort of HCV monoinfected paediatric patients. L4: CoRISpe FARO project: Evaluate vertically infected adolescents and young adults who have been transferred to adult units, and identify factors associated with loss to follow-up, morbidity and mortality. Assess stigma, quality of life, substance abuse and sexual and reproductive health in these patients, compared to other populations (controls and a horizontal cohort). L5: Assessment of the evolution of neuroimaging and neurocognitive profile and outcomes of vertically HIV-infected patients. To assess sleep quality in this population. L6: Analysis of the clinical, immunological, virological and treatment characteristics of pregnant women with HIV during pregnancy and at the time of delivery and of their exposed children, the development of comorbidities of perinatally HIV exposed uninfected children and the epidemiological characteristics of newly diagnosed paediatric patients. L7: Description of the characteristics of new HIV infections in adolescents in Spain. FIS Project L8: Describe and compare the characteristics of different populations, mainly located in developing countries. Participation with information on other cohorts in different countries. To evaluate the virological parameters of HIV in terms of its genotype and subtypes and resistance to antiretroviral drugs, to analyse and compare between cohorts and the time trends in each of them. The Equatorial Guinea cohort. The European cohort. The Latin American cohort. L9: Activation and immunosenescence during immune maturation in vertically HIV-infected children. Axis 3: Tuberculosis L1: Determination of the plasma free cytokine profile and specific response to M. tuberculosis. Usefulness as biomarkers in children with active disease and latent tuberculous infection. L2: To determine the usefulness of diagnostic tests (tuberculin test, quantiferon, chest X-ray, chest CT scan, microscopy, culture, PCR) in an outbreak of paediatric tuberculosis in an early childhood education centre. L3: Describe the pharmacokinetics (C max, area under the curve, time to maximum concentration) after administration of isoniazid (single daily oral dose of 10 mg/kg body weight) in the study population, and its equivalence in neonates, infants between 1 and 3 months, and infants between 3 and 6 months L4: Registration of paediatric TB cases in our country and describe their clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapeutic approach and evolution of paediatric TB cases in the hospitals of the Spanish Network for the Study of Paediatric Tuberculosis. L5: To create a national collection of samples from paediatric tuberculosis patients, archived as a biobank. L6: To learn about antituberculosis drug prescription practices in children in Spain (Phase I MAGISTRAL Project) and to write a consensus document on the prescription of antituberculosis drugs in children (Phase II MAGISTRAL Project). L7: To determine the combined sensitivity and specificity of the tuberculin test and IGRA tests in the diagnosis of peripheral adenitis due to non-tuberculosis mycobacteria in Spain and Europe. L8: To compare the efficacy of different therapeutic approaches (medical and surgical) to nontuberculous mycobacterial peripheral adenitis in children. L9: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of linezolid treatment for tuberculosis in patients under 18 years of age. L10: To evaluate the risk factors, contagiousness and evolution after treatment of adult-type pulmonary TB in a cohort of children and adolescents with TB in a low endemic country. L11: Development a European database of children with paediatric TB to describe their clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapeutic approach and evolution, as well as the different diagnostic and therapeutic approaches among European countries. L12: Description of the clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapeutic approach and evolution of TB meningitis in European children. L13: ULTRATB-Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra for the diagnosis of paediatric TB in a low TB burden region. L14: Implementation of a computer-assisted tool for the diagnosis of paediatric TB (CAD4PTB) Axis 4: Osteoarticular infection in paediatrics L1: Epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and evolution characteristics of children with OAI. L2: Most common aetiology of OAIs in children and its impact on clinical presentation and evolution. L3: Evaluation of the diagnostic and medical-surgical approach to children with OAI in the different collaborating centres. L4: Study of predictors of severity and sequelae in children with OAI. Axis 5: Invasive infection by group A Streptococcus A L1: Evaluation of the incidence of iGASD over a period of 11 years in the Community of Madrid. L2: Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory characteristics and evolution of children with iGASD. L3: Study of predictors of severity in children with iGASD. L4: Study of the clinical presentation and evolution of children with iGASD according to the serotypes involved. Axis 6: Fever and neutropenia in paediatric patients L1: Clinical and laboratory characteristics and evolution of children admitted with fever and neutropenia. L2: Epidemiological characteristics and aetiological agents of children admitted with fever and neutropenia, and comparison with asymptomatic controls. Determination of viral PCR in nasopharyngeal samples. L3: Study of predictors of severity in children admitted with fever and neutropenia. Cytokine profile and proinflammatory response. Axis 7: Infections in sickle cell patients L1: Retrospective Study (RETRO-DREP): a) To determine the incidence and epidemiological characteristics of infections in children with sickle cell disease in our setting. b) To determine the clinical characteristics and analytical parameters associated with a greater risk of presenting severe bacterial infection. c) To propose criteria of low risk of severe bacterial infection, to select patients who could benefit from a more conservative approach. L2: Prospective Study (F-DREP): a) To determine the incidence of viral infections in children with sickle cell disease admitted for fever in our environment, by means of multiplex PCR in nasopharyngeal exudate. b) To determine the proinflammatory cytokine production profile of children with sickle cell disease according to the final diagnosis (bacterial or viral infection, vasoocclusive crisis or other) and compare it with its production at baseline c) Validate the criteria for low risk of severe bacterial infection as outlined in the retrospective study. L3: Study of biomarkers of risk of severe bacterial infection in children with sickle cell disease and fever. Determination of the proinflammatory cytokine profile and role of multiplex PCR for respiratory viruses. Axis 8: Immunoprophylaxis in special populations L1: Vaccination in the patient undergoing immunosuppressive treatment L2: Vaccination in patients undergoing HSCT (haematopoietic progenitor transplantation) L 3: Vaccination in patients undergoing SOT (solid organ transplantation) Axis 9: Research Plan in other prevalent infectious pathologies in healthy population and in the highly complex patient. L1: Study of invasive pneumococcal infection. L2: Role of viral respiratory co-infections and the expression of genomic transcriptional profiles in the severity of pertussis in infants. L3: Congenital CMV infection L4: ZIKA infection network in pregnancy and newborns L5: Paediatric Optimisation Programme for Antifungals (POPA) L6: National Kawasaki Network (Kawa-RACE) L7: Control of nosocomial infection and restriction of the use of antibiotherapy in paediatrics. RANNIN-KIDS. L8: Infections by non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in Spain: clinical-epidemiological, microbiological and pathogenicity study. L9: Infections after cardiac surgery L10 Study of colonisations by multi-resistant bacteria and their effect on the development of infections and new colonisations in high-risk paediatric units. L11: SOMI study for the prospective evaluation of mononucleosis syndrome. Axis 10: Other lines L1: Zero Pain in Paediatrics L2: Analysis of readmissions in paediatrics. L3: Severity factors in Asthma. Asthma and obesity L4: Implementation of a Paediatric Telemedicine consultation in Lamu (Kenya) and Meki (Ethiopia) Axis 11: COVID19 INFECTION L1: Study of the Pregnant woman and her exposed newborn L2: Study of the child with COVID L3: Study of the child with systemic hyperinflammatory syndrome (PIMS) Axis 12: Hospital Emergencies L1: Intoxications in the paediatric age group. L2: Analgesia and sedation L3: Unintentional injuries L4: Quality and safety in paediatric emergencies L5: Hyper-frequency in paediatric emergencies. L6: Knowledge of parents and caregivers about the reasons for ED visits L7: Critically ill patients L8: Child abuse L9: Intravenous rehydration L10: Paediatric Ictus Code L11: Humanisation and patient experience |
First decile publications | 7 | 185,2 |
First quartile publications | 30 | 308,5 |
Second quartile publications | 11 | 37,9 |
Third quartile publications | 22 | 53,6 |
Total publications (including those without IF) | 85 | 417,6 |