Grupo 3: Genética y Clínica de las Neoplasias Hematológicas y el Trasplante Hematopoyético
Código de grupo: 6.03
Tipo de grupo: Consolidado
Descripción del grupo: Genética y clínica de las neoplasias hematológicas y el trasplante hematopoyético
Jefes de Grupo: Ramón García Sanz – Ismael Buño Borde
Integrantes del grupo | |
Investigadores y personal de apoyo |
ANGUITA | VELASCO | JAVIER | Established Researcher |
BAILEN | ALMOROX | REBECA | First Stage Researcher |
BASTOS | OREIRO | MARIANA BEATRIZ | Established Researcher |
BARDON | CANCHO | EDUARDO JESÚS | First Stage Researcher |
BELENDEZ | BIELER | CRISTINA | Established Researcher |
BORREGO | VILLEGAS | LAURA | Clinical Trial Manager |
BUÑO | BORDE | ISMAEL | Leading Researcher |
CARBONELL | MUÑOZ | DIEGO | Recognised Researcher |
CATALÁ | BARDISA | EVA | First Stage Researcher |
CELA | DE JULIÁN | ELENA | Established Researcher |
CHICANO | LAVILLA | MARIA | Recognised Researcher |
DE LA IGLESIA | SAN SEBASTIAN | ISMAEL | First Stage Researcher |
ENCINAS | RODRÍGUEZ | CRISTINA | First Stage Researcher |
FERNANDEZ DE CORDOBA | OÑATE | SARA | First Stage Researcher |
FERNANDEZ | GONZALEZ | RAQUEL | First Stage Researcher |
GARCIA | MORIN | MARINA | Recognised Researcher |
GARCIA | SANZ | RAMON | Leading Researcher |
GARRIDO | COLINO | CARMEN | Established Researcher |
GAYOSO | CRUZ | JORGE | Established Researcher |
GOMEZ | CENTURION | IGNACIO | First Stage Researcher |
GONZALEZ | GUERRERO | ALBA | First Stage Researcher |
HERNANDEZ | MARTIN | MARTA MARIA | Clinical Trial Manager |
HUERTA | ARAGONES | JORGE | First Stage Researcher |
KWON | KIM | MI | Established Researcher |
LOPEZ | ESTEBAN | MIGUEL | First Stage Researcher |
MAQUEDA | PERUCHA | LAURA | First Stage Researcher |
MARCO | SANCHEZ | JOSE MANUEL | First Stage Researcher |
MARTINEZ | GARCIA | MARIA | First Stage Researcher |
MARTINEZ | LAPERCHE | CAROLINA | Established Researcher |
MATA | FERNANDEZ | CRISTINA | Established Researcher |
MEDIN | DE BLOCK | HILDA GABRIELA | First Stage Researcher |
MONTERO | BALLESTA | CRISTINA | First Stage Researcher |
MORENO | CARBONELL | MARTA | First Stage Researcher |
MUÑOZ | MARTINEZ | CRISTINA | Clinical Trial Manager |
NEGRETE | GUTIERREZ | LIDIA | First Stage Researcher |
OARBEASCOA | ROYUELA | GILLEN | First Stage Researcher |
PRIETO | MEDINA | MARIA DEL MAR | First Stage Researcher |
SEGURA | GONZALEZ | MARIA | First Stage Researcher |
SUAREZ | GONZALEZ | JULIA | Recognised Researcher |
Líneas de Investigación | ||
Axis 1: Hematology-oncology in adults
L1: Transplantation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. 1.1. Transplantation of nonconventional hematopoietic progenitor cells (haploidentical, dual). 1.2. Transplantation of hematopoietic progenitor cells in patients with AIDS. 1.3. Cell therapy (mesenchymal, NK cells, etc.) 1.4. Follow-up of transplantation of hematopoietic progenitors (genetics and flow cytometry). 1.5. Biomarkers for prediction of post-transplant complications (genetic polymorphism, proteins, etc.). 1.6. Gene/cell therapy with CAR-T cells L2: Myeloid neoplasms: Acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. 2.1. Treatment with next-generation drugs. 2.2. Genomics of the tumour cell. 2.3. In vitro drug resistance studies. 2.4. Cytotoxicity studies with NK. L3: High-grade lymphomas. 3.1. Liquid biopsy (free DNA in plasma) in high-grade lymphomas. L4: Chronic myeloid leukemia. 4.1. Studies on discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia. L5: Genetics of hematologic neoplasms. 5.1. Genetic markers for diagnosis, prognosis and targeted treatment. 5.2. Genomics of hematologic neoplasms: next-generation sequencing. 5.3. Leukemogenesis models. 5.4 Germ genomic alterations L6: Clinical research (clinical trials). 6.1. Molecular targets in the treatment of hemato-oncology patients. 6.2. Monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of hematology-oncology patients. 6.3. Cell therapy (mesenchymal, NK cells, etc. 6.4. Gene/cell therapy with CAR-T cells L7: Electronic management of clinical information. Axis 2: Paediatric hematology-oncology L1: Hemoglobinopathies. (CSUR de Eritropatología Hereditaria) 1.1 Transplantation of hematopoietic progenitors in hemoglobinopathies 1.2 Clinical monitoring of sickle cell disease from neonatal screening 1.3 Erythrocytapheresis in the Paediatric Sickle Cell Patient L2: Adjuvant therapy in paediatric hematology-oncology. L3: Fanconi anemia. L3.1 Multidisciplinary follow-up in Fanconi’s Anemia L4: Solid tumours in children. L5: Leukemia in children. |
First decile publications | 9 | 105,8 |
First quartile publications | 28 | 246,1 |
Second quartile publications | 18 | 73,7 |
Third quartile publications | 12 | 31,4 |
Total publications (including those without IF) | 68 | 362,2 |