Grupo 22: Fisiopatología Neonatal y del Desarrollo
Código de grupo: 7.22
Tipo de grupo: Emergente
Descripción del grupo: Fisiopatología neonatal y del desarrollo
Jefe de Grupo: Manuel Sánchez Luna
Integrantes del grupo | |
Investigadores y personal de apoyo |
ARRIAGA | REDONDO | MARÍA | Recognised Researcher |
BERNARDO | ATIENZA | ANA BELÉN | Recognised Researcher |
BLANCO | BRAVO | DOROTEA | Leading Researcher |
CABALLERO | MARTÍN | SYLVIA | Recognised Researcher |
CHIMENTI | CAMACHO | PAZ | Recognised Researcher |
GONZALEZ | PACHECO | NOELIA | Leading Researcher |
GREGORIO | HERNANDEZ | REBECA | Leading Researcher |
MADERUELO | RODRÍGUEZ | ELENA | Recognised Researcher |
MARSINYACH | ROS | MARÍA ITZIAR | Established Researcher |
PEREZ | PEREZ | ALBA | Recognised Researcher |
PESCADOR | CHAMORRO | MARIA ISABEL | Recognised Researcher |
RAMOS | NAVARRO | MARIA CRISTINA | Leading Researcher |
RODRIGUEZ | CORRALES | ELENA | Recognised Researcher |
RODRIGUEZ | SANCHEZ DE LA BLANCA | ANA | Established Researcher |
SANCHEZ | LUNA | MANUEL | Leading Researcher |
SANZ | LÓPEZ | ESTHER | Recognised Researcher |
VIGIL | VÁZQUEZ | SARA | First Stage Researcher |
VILLAR | CASTRO | SONIA | First Stage Researcher |
ZAMORA | FLORES | ELENA | First Stage Researcher |
ZEBALLOS | SARRATO | GONZALO | Established Researcher |
ZEBALLOS | SARRATO | SUSANA ELENA | Recognised Researcher |
Líneas de Investigación | ||
Axis 1: Pulmonary protection of preterm infants
L1: Prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. L2: Non-invasive respiratory support. L3: High-frequency oscillatory ventilation with very low volumes. L4: Non-invasive administration of pulmonary surfactants. L5: Aerosolised surfactant in an animal model. Axis 2: Neonatal Brain Pathology L1: Epigenetic mechanisms involved in neurodevelopmental disorders. L2: Biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation. L3: Study of the incidence of post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus and associated risk factors. L4: Evaluation of an ultrasound prognostic score in preterm infants with gestational age less than or equal to 28 weeks with periventricular venous infarction. L5: Study of cerebral and somatic oxygenation during percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus. L6: Renal damage in patients with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Axis 3: Neonatal imaging L1: Lung ultrasound as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in the pulmonary pathology of the premature patient. L2: Pulmonary ultrasound as a prognostic tool in the patient with heart disease. L3: Lung ultrasound and establishment of CFR at birth in preterm infants. Axis 4: Personalised Neonatal Nutrition L1: Evaluation of additional individualised protein supplementation to preterm infants fed standard fortified human milk. L2: Evaluation of the implementation of a personalised nutrition unit in a high complexity neonatal service. Axis 5: Neonatal pain research. L1: Prospective observational study to assess normal values of NIPE (parasympathetic tone) in preterm infants under 32 weeks at various times of development L2: Study of the prevalence of prolonged pain in newborns during neonatal intensive care. L3: Study of the efficacy of implementation of neonatal pain assessment tools. Axis 6: COVID 19 during gestation and in newborns L1: Clinical and immunovirological aspects of SARSCoV-2 infection in a cohort of pregnant women and newborns. Axis 7: Congenital heart disease L1: Management of chylothorax in cardiac surgery. L2: Perinatal management of the newborn with complete congenital atrioventricular block. Prospective study. L3: Study of renal damage in patients with heart disease. Axis 8: Morbimortality in the premature patient L1: Evolution of Mortality and Morbidity in preterm infants born before 32 weeks of gestation. Impact of changes in perinatal and neonatal management. L2: Prospective validation by means of a statewide multicentre study (REDSAMID) of predictive models of prenatal mortality in premature infants. L3: Magnesium sulphate: relationship with meconium ileus in newborns under 32 weeks of gestational age. L4: Magnesium sulphate as neuroprotection. Axis 9: Optimisation of blood product administration L1: Value of oximetry as an indicator of the need for red cell concentrate transfusion. Axis 10: Technological innovation L1: Development of non-ionising neonatal imaging incubator. Axis 11: Neonatal resuscitation training L1: Study of the impact of periodic assessment on the retention of skills and knowledge acquired in neonatal resuscitation courses. Axis 12: Developmental malformations L1: Long Gap Esophageal Atresia |
First decile publications | 1 | 4,4 |
First quartile publications | 8 | 35,8 |
Second quartile publications | 6 | 15,7 |
Third quartile publications | 11 | 22,9 |
Total publications (including those without IF) | 38 | 80,5 |