Grupo 5B: Aspectos Fisiológicos y Terapéuticos Medico-Quirúrgicos de las Enfermedades Respiratorias
Código de grupo: 7.05B
Tipo de grupo: Consolidado
Descripción del grupo: Aspectos Fisiológicos y Terapéuticos Medico-Quirúrgicos de las Enfermedades Respiratorias
Jefes de Grupo: Ignacio Garutti Martínez – Luis Puente Maestu
- En 2017 se modificó la Estructura Científica del Instituto y se aprobó la fusión de los tres grupos de este Área (Grupo 7.05: Fisiopatología y clínica de la EPOC, Grupo 7.14: Fisiopatología, evolución y estrategias terapéuticas en la insuficiencia respiratoria crónica y trastornos respiratorios del sueño y Grupo 7.15: Anestesia en cirugía de tórax) en el nuevo Grupo 7.05B “Aspectos Fisiológicos y Terapéuticos Medico-Quirúrgicos de las Enfermedades Respiratorias”. La compilación de datos en relación a su producción científica como grupo, se registrará a partir de este momento.
Integrantes del grupo | |
Investigadores y personal de apoyo |
AILAF | LATIFF | ESSA | First Stage Researcher |
BENEDETTI | PAOLA ANTONELLA | Recognised Researcher | |
BROGLY | NICOLAS | Leading Researcher | |
CABALLERO | SEGURA | FRANCISCO JOSE | First Stage Researcher |
CALVO | GARCÍA | CARLOS ALBERTO | First Stage Researcher |
CASANOVA | BAREA | JAVIER | Recognised Researcher |
CEREZO | LAJAS | ALICIA | First Stage Researcher |
CRUZ | PARDOS | PATRICIA | Established Researcher |
DE LA FUENTE | TORNERO | ELENA | First Stage Researcher |
DE LA GALA | GARCÍA | FRANCISCO ANDRÉS | Established Researcher |
DE MIGUEL | DIEZ | JAVIER | Leading Researcher |
FUENTES | ALONSO | MARTA | Recognised Researcher |
GALLO | GONZALEZ | VIRGINIA | First Stage Researcher |
GARCIA | DE PEDRO | JULIA | Established Researcher |
GARCÍA | HERNÁNDEZ | SANTIAGO | First Stage Researcher |
GARCIA | LOPEZ | JOSE JAVIER | Established Researcher |
GARUTTI | MARTÍNEZ | IGNACIO | Leading Researcher |
GIRON | MATUTE | WALTHER IVAN | Established Researcher |
GÓMEZ | GARCÍA | MARÍA TERESA | Established Researcher |
GÓMEZ | GARCÍA | ROSA MARÍA | First Stage Researcher |
GÓMEZ | SACRISTÁN | ÁNGELA | Established Researcher |
GONZALEZ | MORAGA | FRANCISCO JOSE | Recognised Researcher |
GONZÁLEZ | CASAURRÁN | GUILLERMO | Recognised Researcher |
HERNÁNDEZ | YÁÑEZ | MARGARITA | First Stage Researcher |
HUERTA | MARTINEZ | LUIS JAVIER | Established Researcher |
LOPEZ | PADILLA | DANIEL EDUARDO | Leading Researcher |
LÓPEZ | MARTÍN | SOLEDAD | Leading Researcher |
LOPEZ | GIL | ELENA | First Stage Researcher |
MARANILLO | ALCAIDE | EVA | Established Researcher |
MARÍN | AGUILERA | ROSA ISABEL | First Stage Researcher |
MARTINEZ | GASCUEÑA | DAVID | First Stage Researcher |
OJEDA | CASTILLEJO | ELENA | Recognised Researcher |
OLIVA | RAMOS | ALICIA | Recognised Researcher |
PAREDES | ROYANO | SERGIO | Established Researcher |
PEDRAZA | SERRANO | FERNANDO | Recognised Researcher |
PIÑEIRO | OTERO | PATRICIA | Established Researcher |
PUENTE | MAESTU | LUIS | Leading Researcher |
PUIG | RAMOS | ANGELA | Recognised Researche |
RANCAN | LISA | Established Researcher | |
REYES | FIERRO | MARÍA ALMUDENA | Established Researcher |
ROJAS | MORENO-TOME | ROSA MARIA | First Stage Researcher |
SANCHEZ | MUÑOZ | GEMA | Recognised Researcher |
SANCHEZ | PEDROSA | GUILLERMO | Recognised Researcher |
SIMÓN | ADIEGO | CARLOS MARIA | Leading Researcher |
TERAN | MARCOS | RAQUEL | First Stage Researcher |
VARA | AMEIGEIRAS | ELENA | Leading Researcher |
VARGAS | ESPINAL | JULIO CÉSAR | First Stage Researcher |
ZICHEN | JI | Established Researcher |
Líneas de investigación | ||
Axis 1: Prevention of respiratory complications of Surgery
L1: Pharmacological measures for the prevention of acute lung injury after lung resection surgery. L2: Optimisation of one-lung ventilation L3: Prevention of postoperative complications after mechanical ventilation in non-cardiothoracic surgery. Axis 2: Epidemiology of respiratory diseases L1: Historical evolution of hospital admissions due to respiratory diseases analysis of the CMBD L2: predictive model of obesity in OSAHS (GENOBIA) Axis 3: Sleep Respiratory Disturbances L1: Obesity-Hypoventilation Syndrome L2: Sleep Disorders and Heart Disease. Axis 4: Development of new drugs or new indications L1: Development of biological products for the prevention of COPD exacerbations. L2: Development of P2X3 receptor inhibitors for cough treatment Gefapixant (MK-7264-042 and 043) and Eliapixant. L3: Development of antifibrotic medication for IPF L4: Development of biological medication for eosinophilic asthma L5: Development of anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of bronchiectasis. Axis 5: Experimental model of lung transplantation L1: Organ preservation. Axis 6: Treatment of COPD patients with cardiopathy L1: Impact of respiratory drugs on cardiac function in COPD patients with low ejection fraction Axis 7: Monitoring of patients with sleep-disordered breathing and chronic respiratory failure L1: Mechanical simulation of respiratory therapies and their effect on lung dynamics Axis 8: Neuroanatomics of the larynx L1: Laryngeal anatomical variability L2: Laryngeal reinnervation |
- Este grupo procede de los antiguos grupos: 7.05: Fisiopatología y clínica de la EPOC, 7.14: Fisiopatología, evolución y estrategias terapéuticas en la insuficiencia respiratoria crónica y trastornos respiratorios del sueño y 7.15: Anestesia en cirugía de tórax. La compilación de datos en relación a su producción científica como grupo, se registrara a partir de este momento.
First decile publications | 1 | 76,2 |
First quartile publications | 10 | 142,2 |
Second quartile publications | 23 | 93,3 |
Third quartile publications | 1 | 2,8 |
Total publications (including those without IF) | 40 | 241,2 |