Grupo de Enfermería
Este grupo de investigación tiene una estructura y un funcionamiento distinto a los grupos de investigación tradicionales.
Aglutina a profesionales que desarrollan investigación en cuidados en todos los ámbitos del Hospital y colaboran con muchos profesionales de enfermería del mismo, traduciéndose en la participación en proyectos financiados y una incipiente producción científica.Así mismo colaboran en proyectos multicentricos con otros centros hospitalarios de la comunidad y con Atención Primaria. Por otra parte, tiene una importante actividad docente pregrado y posgrado. Finalmente han surgido reciente líneas de investigación conjunta con profesores de la UCM en el marco de la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería.
Estructura del grupo
Investigadores y personal de apoyo |
ARROGANTE | MAROTO | OSCAR | Recognised Researcher |
BRETON | SANTOS | ALVARO | First Stage Researcher |
CALDERARI | FERNÁNDEZ | ELENA | Recognised Researcher |
CID | EXPOSITO | GEMA | Recognised Researcher |
CORRAL | LIRIA | INMACULADA | Recognised Researcher |
DURANGO | LIMÁRQUEZ | MARÍA ISABEL | First Stage Researcher |
FERNANDEZ | ARRANZ | JULITA | Recognised Researcher |
FERNANDEZ | ALONSO | VICTOR | Recognised Researcher |
FLORES | GARCIA | RUBEN | Recognised Researcher |
GARCIA | POZO | ANA MARIA | Leading Researcher |
GONZALEZ | BAZ | MARIA DOLORES | First Stage Researcher |
GONZÁLEZ | LLUVA | CONCEPCIÓN | First Stage Researcher |
GUERRA | SÁNCHEZ | LUIS | Recognised Researcher |
GUERRERO | MARQUEZ | GLORIA | First Stage Researcher |
GUIJARRO | JIMENEZ | ESTHER | First Stage Researcher |
LEÑERO | CIRUJANO | MIRIAM | Recognised Researcher |
LOBO | RODRIGUEZ | CARMEN | Recognised Researcher |
LOPEZ | SANCHEZ | RAQUEL | Recognised Researcher |
LOPEZ | CALLEJA | ANA MARIA | First Stage Researcher |
LOPEZ | ESTEBAN | AMPARO | First Stage Researcher |
LORENTE | DEL RIO | NATALIA | First Stage Researcher |
LUENGO | GONZALEZ | RAQUEL | Recognised Researcher |
MARTÍN | FERNÁNDEZ | MILAGROS | First Stage Researcher |
MEDINA | TORRES | MARGARITA | First Stage Researcher |
MORO | TEJEDOR | MARÍA NIEVES | Recognised Researcher |
PALACIOS | CEÑA | DOMINGO | Established Researcher |
PASTOR | CORDERO | ANA MARIA | First Stage Researcher |
PONCE | FIGUEREO | MARIA ANGELES | First Stage Researcher |
RECIO | VIVAS | ANA MARIA | Recognised Researcher |
ROBLEDO | MARTIN | JUANA | Recognised Researcher |
SOTO | LUCIA | MARÍA CONSUELO | First Stage Researcher |
SUAREZ | BUSTAMANTE | ROSA | First Stage Researcher |
TORAÑO | OLIVERA | MARIA JOSÉ | First Stage Researcher |
TRUJILLO | GALLEGO | FERNANDO | First Stage Researcher |
VAQUERO | LOZANO | MARIA PAZ | First Stage Researcher |
VELARDE | GARCIA | JUAN FRANCISCO | Recognised Researcher |
VISIERS | JIMENEZ | LAURA | Recognised Researcher |
Líneas de investigación | |
Axis 1: Nursing care.
L1: Chronic patient care L2: Critical patient care L3: Care for mental health patients L4: Physiotherapy and rehabilitation L5: Gender violence Axis 2: Innovation in health care and services L1: Development of applications and patents L2. Simulation Axis 3: Human resources management L1: Professional skills and competence Axis 4: Qualitative approach to research in care L1: Care and rehabilitation for vulnerable populations |
First decile publications | 3 | 15,2 |
First quartile publications | 8 | 45,3 |
Second quartile publications | 4 | 12,0 |
Third quartile publications | 2 | 3,3 |
Total publications (including those without IF) | 22 | 61,3 |